Wednesday 29 April 2009

Above is a plan of the venue - we are working on layouts at the moment. As you can see there is not much wall space so we will have to hang work between the pillars in the middle of the room - by wires perhaps. Photos of the space coming soon...
Thanks to everyone for paying their second installment on time. We have now paid the venue in full so the only stuff we have to worry about now is materials and booze! 

We still meet every Tuesday at 4pm in the Central Club restaurant in college. Everyone is welcome to attend. If you have any queries or suggestions please let us know by email if you can't make it in person.

The next 3 Ways To fundraising night is on 6th May at the Star of Bethnal Green, 9pm-2am, £3 on the door. Email for more details.

The show is now only a month away so it is worth thinking about what you want to exhibit. As we are limited for space we can't accomodate anything that's extremely large, whether 2D or 3D. Again, let us know if you have any special requests. We are planning to have an area for moving image screens and a large table for any books, fanzines, etc.

We also need people to help out at the event - setting up, curating and taking down at the end. We will get in contact nearer the time about this but just to remind you the show runs from 28th May to 1st June with a day either side to set up and take down.

Wednesday 11 February 2009


1. There is now a noticeboard for the FreeRange show at the entrance to the Graphics Computer Studio, this will have posters for upcoming events and any info the exhibitors need to know.

2. SPONSERSHIP-Does anyone have any contacts with anyone that we could get sponsership from, we desperately need this, if your parents work for a big company do they know anyone who could help us out. Last yr the students paid over 100 pound each to exhibit we don't want to have to get this much of you guys.

3. We may have to have another payment off students soon.

4. FUNDRAISING- can anybody organise an event to raise money we have events coming up, but it would be great if more people started organising their own events as the more money the better the show, also if we have extra money it will roll over for next yrs show and we won't have to cram so much next yr.

5. EVENTS- We have some events organised:

* Thurs 26th Feb 8pm Price tbc- Games night at the hub, Come along and take a trip down memory lane with Guess Who, Connect 4, Buckeroo, Twister tournament, have a laugh, win the raffle (Amazing Prizes) and some drinks with mates before going on to "Off Modern".
* Wednesday 4th March time/place/price tbc- Club/art night Bethnal Green area.
* Thursday 5th March 1pm Photostudio- BRING AND BUY sale- Bring anything, books, cakes, old unwanted clothing (clean pls), unwanted brick a brac your work!!! To help us raise money for the show
* Every Friday Don't forget FILM CLUB- Computer Room Projection area This week "WALL-E" tkts 2 pounds, free, juice, fruit and sweeties, see Ashton for tkts, a great time to chillax and watch a movie with friends.
* Sponsered Egg and Spoon Race- RLS, tues 10th march 3pm- weather permitting- sponsorship forms available from table next to cybercafe, pick up a form and get those spoons at the ready!!!! More info. to follow.
* Possible Easter egg hunt, School Sports Day, and Spring fling all in the process of being organised, if you wanna help out we'd love to see you at the meetings EVERY TUESDAYS 4PM CENTRAL CAFE. Or talk to the fundraising team around college:
Stassja Mrozinski
Sam Varney
Jess Macdonald
Nia Murphy
David Weller
Ashton Thornton
Ghazaal Vojdani
Emily Hudson
Bjoernar Pederson
Alex Prior

6. THE BLOG- please go to the blog and check it out for notices about the events, and notices., Please go on here and you can comment or make suggestion, or tell us about things you want to organise?

7. If you have any questions email us on and we will try to help you.

8. If you have not paid your 1st instalment of 20 Pounds then unfortunately you will not be able to exhibit.

LASTLY-does anyone own or know someone who does own, any of the following board games for the games night on 26th Feb :
Connect 4
Hungry hippos
Guess Who
Or have any prizes we could put towards the raffle?
Please contact Sam Varney, 07854859638,

Thursday 5 February 2009


£2 a ticket to be announced....

Tuesday 3 February 2009

VERY IMPORTANT // Questionnaire!

Everyone who is exhibiting at the show needs to pick up a form, from outside the CYBER CAFE, fill in your contact details and a rough idea of what you may exhibit, and return them to the same place. 
Please make sure you fill in your email clearly, as this will be given to the exhibition organisers. Please DO NOT USE YOUR COLLEGE EMAIL, use a personal email such as hotmail, google-mail etc.
Its really important that we get your contact details, so please hand your form in by the end of this week (Friday 6th February).

Tuesday 27 January 2009

////// BRING AND BUY SALE ////// Thursday 5th March


Bring stuff and buy stuff and help us raise money for the BAGD 2nd Year Show 09.

We need your work


You don't need to do any work especially (unless you want to.) Just print of some extra copies or photocopy a few more, bake something, make something or donate something.
Put a price on it and BRING it on to us.
We'll sell it for you and you can BUY other peoples work, all for a good cause.
It's your show and we need your help.

Minutes of meeting held on 20th Jan 2009

Freerange Exhibition
Minutes of meeting held on 20th Jan 2009

• The committee was split into groups:
Design (catalogue and website)
Curation and spatial design teams to be confirmed at a later date.

• Groups will meet separately and there will be one weekly committee meeting as usual, Tuesdays 4pm.

• Finance issues will be dealt with by the Admin team. All expenses for photocopying/printing and postage, receipts, and details of any money we raise are to be sent to them. They will make a list of everyone who’s already paid to be in the show.

• Sam will deal with all enquiries to the account for now.

• Ed has set up a Facebook group for us.

• We need to decide ASAP if any more students should be allowed to exhibit. Some people felt that if they haven’t paid already, it’s too late. It was suggested that if people wish to submit a group project such as an animation, only the people that have paid should be credited at the exhibition (we need to agree on this ASAP).

• The target amount we need to raise is approximately £4000.

• Printing costs may be quite high. The sponsorship team will focus on this in particular to try and cut a deal with a local printing company. The committee needs to decide what promotional materials are going to be used and how many of each (flyers, posters, catalogue, etc). Freerange will promote the exhibition to a certain extent – the admin team will find out exactly what Freerange will be doing.

• We may at a later date approach the press (such as the London Paper, UAL newspaper) for promotion of the exhibition. This may also apply to any fundraising events put on by the fundraising team.

• Annabel will make a questionnaire to be sent out to all students participating in the show. This will ask them for contact details, a brief outline of what they would like to present at the show, any ideas for the design and layout of the show and any leads for fundraising or sponsorship. This will allow us to send out group emails to everyone nearer the time and also give us an idea of what people are proposing to exhibit e.g. 3D, moving image, wall mounted etc. This needs to be distributed to someone in each tutor group plus Illustration, Advertising and Moving Image so that it can be handed out in class – preferably next week.

• The admin team will work on the template letters for sponsorship and collate all existing documents that have been sent out already.

• Copies of any correspondence to be sent to them for filing.

• They will produce some sort of calendar so everyone knows the deadlines for Freerange and upcoming meetings and events.

• Possible theme for the exhibition is “Two Thirds”.

• Anders and co will continue to work separately on a proposal for the catalogue.

• It was suggested that the committee could maybe set a brief for designing the promotional materials or select students to work on the project.

• The sponsorship team will compile a list of possible leads – any potential leads that come from other students will need to be added to this list. They also have names of companies that the university have advised us not to contact.

• They are going to meet with someone at the Innovation Centre for advice on fundraising next week and will work on a strategy for approaching potential sponsors by telephone and direct mail.

• It was agreed that in terms of sponsors, we should approach companies that have a link to London (e.g. London Pride, Rimmel – live the London look!) Any other suggestions welcome.

• Companies that are not able to help us financially may be able to offer other support such as free/discounted printing, advertising, assistance with layout of the exhibition, free booze!

• The fundraising team are organising a bring-and-buy sale, pub quiz and club nights in the near future. The team have their own minutes for their meeting.